Tour Rules 

1. The Tour shall comprise of the first 8 homes correctly entered in accordance with these rules. Priority shall be given to NABOR members.

2. ONE listing per agent may be entered for any particular Tour date. ONLY after noon on the Tuesday before the actual TOUR can an additional listing(s) be entered for consideration. Entering multiple properties before NOON on the Wednesday is a violation.

3. Only ONE listing may be entered per “Team/Group” per Tour. A NABOR Realtor® member MUST represent the Team and participate on the Tour, or the listing will be categorized as a “non-member” entry and lose priority.

4. Listings must be ACTIVE. New builds must have a valid Certificate of Occupancy prior to adding them to the Tour. Submission without a CO is a violation.

5. The same listing can only be entered once per quarter.

6. If a listing goes pending or must come off Tour for any reason; you CANNOT replace it with another listing if the Tour is full. The next listing in line will move up.  If the Tour is not yet full, you can add the new listing to the Tour.

7. The Tour is put in order by the Chair with assistance for Staff at noon on the Wednesday before the Tour date (the Tour Deadline). If circumstances arise that your listing cannot be on Tour (other than going pending), you must remove the listing by the Tour Deadline. Failure to do so is a violation.

8. If an Agent (or their appointed Realtor® representative) is unable to attend, NABOR Staff or the Tour Chair must be informed in writing NLT the Tour Deadline, and your listing will be removed.

9. Notice of the driving order shall be disseminated NLT 3 pm on the day before the Tour. Requests for properties to be placed last in the driving order shall only be considered when a FULL lunch is offered at the Broker’s Open House.

10. The Listing Agent (or their appointed Realtor® representative) must be present for the entire duration of the Tour and visit EVERY property on the Tour. Failure to visit every property is a violation.

11. Agents must bring their own copies of listings for dissemination; NABOR’s copier is not available for Agent use.

Penalties will be imposed, and are applicable to both the rule violator and/or listing agent.

o 1st offense – written warning

o 2nd offense – barred from submitting a listing on Tour for 12 weeks

Notification of all rule violations shall be sent by Staff “read receipt”, and a master log of

infractions maintained at the NABOR office.

How To Put A Home On Tour

1. Verify availability: On the NABOR Flexmls System: Under the

Daily Functions tab on the top menu:

 Click Tour/Open House

 Enter Date

 Click Next

2. To put home on Tour: Under the Add/Change tab on the top menu:

 Click Change

 Enter MLS#

 Click Schedule Marketing Activities

 Click Tour of Homes

 Enter Date

 Click Add

 Enter Date Again

 Click Next

   Under Comments Section - Please add "NABOR Tour of Homes" 

Note: If you choose to put your listing on tour that is already full (eight listings) you are in a reserve status and will only qualify if someone cancels or has incorrectly submitted.

3. To Remove a home from Tour: Under the Add/Change tab on the top menu:

 Click Change

 Enter MLS # and click Next

 Under Schedule Marketing Activities click Tour of Homes

 Click Remove

Weekly Blue Ribbon Marketing Tour

Deadline to put a home on Tour is by Noon on the preceding Wednesday.

The first Thursday of every month we tour:

Navarre Beach, East Navarre (anything east of Hwy 87 to Hurlburt) and Holley area.

The third Thursday of every month we tour:

Properties West of Hwy 87 thru to Tiger Point.

The tour meetings start at 9:00 a.m. sharp.