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What is the difference between a Realtor® and a licensed sales agent?

A Realtor® is a licensed sales agent who is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and complies with a strict code of ethical conduct.

Once you pass the state license exam and affiliate with a brokerage, your broker will introduce you to your local association.

Ready to start training for a rewarding & lucrative career in real estate?

The Navarre Area Board of Realtors has partnered with​ 

Florida Real Estate CareerQuest (powered by David Collins Schools LLC) to offer Sales Associate and Broker Associate pre-license courses at discounted prices. 

Student Registration Information

How long before I can apply for my broker's license?

​A person must hold an active sales associate license for at least 24 months out of the last 5 years to qualify for a Florida Broker License.

Step 1 - Complete the registration form below.

Step 2 - Watch for the invoice in your Inbox and submit payment to NABOR

Step 3 - A representative from CareerQuest will contact you with your credentials

Step 4 - Log in, download the course materials and learn at your own pace

Frequently Asked Questions

Once I enroll, can I begin the course right away?

Yes. The registration process is simple, secure and fast. Once you are enrolled, you will have immediate access to your course.

Is there any way to obtain a Florida RE license without having to take the pre-license course? 

Generally, all applicants must complete a required pre-license course, either online or in-person. If a non-resident of Florida already has a real estate license from another state that is classified as a mutual recognition state, then that person is excused from the requirements of a pre-license class. The mutual recognition applicant takes a state exam of 40 questions on Florida law only. Please call us if you think you may qualify under mutual recognition rules.

The mutual recognition states include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

Also, persons with a 4-year college degree in real estate and members of the Florida Bar are not required to take a pre-license course.

What do I have to do to obtain a Florida RE license?

There are essentially three things that must be accomplished. One, an application for a real estate license must be approved by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate. Two, the student must complete an approved pre-license course (like the one offered by Florida Real Estate Career Quest). Third, the applicant/student must pass the state exam with a score of 75% or higher.

Does my application have to be submitted before I register for the pre-license course?

No. A person may first register for our online course and then submit his or her application to the Division of Real Estate. We gladly assist all of our students on how to process their applications.

What if I don't pass the online course exam? 

​If a student doesn’t pass the course exam the first time, he or she must wait at least 30 days before retaking a second test. If the second test is not passed, then the student’s password expires, and the entire course must be repeated with full tuition being charged again.

What if I have questions or don 't understand a concept in the online course? 

Students are encouraged to ask questions of their instructors who are well-qualified to explain all concepts covered in the course. In addition, students may call our office at 1.800.200.1030 from 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.

What is your refund policy?

Florida law prohibits real estate schools from giving refunds in full or in part when a student does not pass either the end-of-course exam or the state exam. There will be no refunds after the course begins.